where TP are the true positives, FP false positives and FN false negatives. We can see that DC≥IoU.
The dice coefficient can also be defined as a loss function:
where p∈{0,1}n and 0≤^p≤1.
defdice_loss(y_true,y_pred):numerator=2*tf.reduce_sum(y_true*y_pred)# some implementations don't square y_preddenominator=tf.reduce_sum(y_true+tf.square(y_pred))returnnumerator/(denominator+tf.keras.backend.epsilon())
Since p is either 1 or 0, the numerator will always be one times the predicted probability of the foreground pixel (1). Hence, when p is a background pixel (0), the numerator will be 0.
Tversky loss
Tversky loss (TL) is a generalization of Dice loss. TL adds a weight to FP and FN.
which is just Dice loss. In the paper [4], the authors square the predicted probability in the denominator, but e.g. the paper [5]keeps the term as it is.
DL and TL simply relax the hard constraint ^p∈{0,1}n in order to have a function on the domain [0,1]. The paper [6] derives instead a surrogate loss function.
An implementation of Lovász-Softmax can be found on github. Note that this loss requires the identity activation in the last layer. A negative value means class A and a positive value means class B.
In Keras the loss function can be used as follows:
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